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Peer reviewed articles:

DeVault, N. (2009). Single Parents, Teachers, and Principals of 4th and 5th Grade African American Students in Title I Schools: Concerns Related to Childhood Overweight. Dissertation.  ProQuest/UMI.  ID number ‘10517’.

DeVault, N., Kennedy, T. S., Hermann, J., Mwavita, M., Rask, P., & Jaworsky, A. (2009). It's All About Kids: Preventing Overweight in Elementary School Children in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109(4), 680-687.

 Abstract.  Poster session presented at American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition conference and Expo, Honolulu, Hawaii, September, 2006:

            DeVault NJ, Kennedy TS, Rask P. It's All About Kids: Preventing Overweight in             Elementary School Children in Tulsa Oklahoma. (2006). Journal of the American          Dietetic Association. 106(8, Supplement 1):A75.

 Journal Articles Under Development or Under Peer Review:

 Graduate Nutrition Students’ Attitudes Concerning Overweight Prevention for Elementary School Children.  Presented to the 25th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity, St. Louis, October, 2009

 Principals of 4th and 5th Grade African American Students in Title I Schools: Concerns Related to Childhood Overweight. 

 Parents and Teachers of 4th and 5th Grade African American Students in Title I Schools: Concerns Related to Childhood Overweight. 

 Ensuring Trustworthiness of Qualitative Data in Nutritional Research.  

 Links to a few of Norma's short answers to questions from a lay audience:

What is the Difference Between Good Bacteria & Bad Bacteria?
The Diet for Kidney Disease
How to Determine What My Child Should Weigh
The Difference Between Brewer's Yeast & Baking Yeast
The Difference Between Baking Powder & Bicarbonate of Soda
Is it Healthy to Eat the Whole Baked Potato?
How Diet Affects Your Health
Nutrition: How Foods Can Affect Your Health
Nutrition in Health & Disease
What Is the Difference Between EPA & DHA Health Benefits?
Magnesium for Bone Health
Importance of Food Supplements
Uses for Triglycerides
What Do Vegetables & Fruits Do to the Body?
What is the Difference Between Trans Fat & Hydrogenated Oil?
Description of the USDA
Why Are Nutrients Identified on Food Labels?
How to Find a Registered Dietitian
Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants
The Importance of Nutrition for Children
National Guidelines for Body Mass Index
Glycemic Index and White Bread
How Much Protein Does a Woman Need a Day?
What Is the Nutritional Therapy for Patients With Diabetes?
Why Does a Dialysis Patient Need to Avoid Certain Foods?
An Explanation of BMI in a Child
BMI History
How to Figure Out How Many Calories I Should Consume
What Contributes to Cholesterol?
National Guidelines on Healthy Eating and Nutrition for Children
How Does Potassium Deficiency Occur in the Elderly?
What You Need to Know About Triglycerides
Healthy Height & Weight Ratios
The Government's Recommended Daily Vitamin Requirements
Healthy Cooking in the Crock Pot
BMI Calculations
What Are the Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency in Women?
Could a Protein Called Leptin Help People Gain or Lose Weight?
The Most Optimal Percentage of Body Fat
Oxalic Acid Counts in Foods
The Vitamin Deficiency That Causes the Corners Of the Mouth to Crack
Probiotics & the Immune System
Is 'No Gluten Ingredients' the Same As 'Gluten Free'?
Why Does Our Body Take Calcium Out of Our Bones . . .
What Is Your Metabolism When You Are Pregnant?
Why Is a Proper Diet So Important to Your Bones?
Nutrition Through the Life Cycle
Overview of Diet Deficiencies
Is Insoluble Fiber Good or Bad?
What Is Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity?
What BMI Is Considered Heavy, Normal or Obese?
Does Coffee Block Iron Absorption?
Dietary Nutritional Supplements Vs. Food
What Is the Protein Sparing Effect?
How Much Calcium Is Absorbed at a Time?
3 Mechanisms Through Which Blood Calcium Levels Are Increased
Why Do Vitamin B Supplements Turn Urine Yellow?
The Nutritional Needs at Every Stage of Human Growth & Development Nutrition Care Process for a Cancer Patient
How Much Vitamin A Does the Body Need?
How Does Sodium Affect the Heart?
Under-nutrition Vs. Malnutrition
Ten Functions of Proteins
Vitamins & Minerals Absorbed by the Colon
Beta-Carotene and Orange Skin
What Is the Use of Sodium Aluminum Silicate in Food?
What Are the Two Main Ways Food Changes When Moving Through
What Are the Benefits of Taking Liquid Calcium & Magnesium?
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