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U - Undo the Wrong

When you have a problem with your health, you'll need a willingness to work hard toward a resolution and enable the changes that are required. An important thing is to put healthful nutrients in, stop the harmful input, and help the body deal with any legacy of harmful substances. In other words, put good stuff in, get bad stuff out, and stop putting bad stuff in. But beyond that, undoing the wrong means turning away from the old and embracing a new way of life.
Making Needed Changes All at Once Can Be Daunting

Many of us in America have become so enamored with our fast food and indulgent lifestyles that we can’t imagine making all the changes that true health requires. We’ve placed our trust in the food industry to provide us with only wholesome, nourishing foods that are inspected and approved for human consumption. Yet we continue to consume pesticides, herbicides, and food additives at an alarming rate. Our food of choice, for the most part, is robbed of it’s nutrition by over-processing, over-cooking, and over seasoning. When we eventually become ill, we don’t associate the body’s malfunction with the sub-standard materials we’ve been giving it to use in rebuilding and regenerating itself. If our car’s engine knocked, we would immediately suspect the grade of gasoline, or if our dog was listless we would change his food, but when our own body cries out in desperation, we balk at making the needed changes. The place to begin is with the mindset. Our basic assumptions need to be questioned and re-evaluated since they are what got us into this state of ill health. We need to learn what the body really needs to promote healing and health and commit to provide those things: nutrition, rest/sleep, exercise, sunshine, fresh air, water, personal hygiene and a joyful attitude. We can coach, encourage, and assist you on your pathway to health.

Undoing the Damage

The liver and kidneys have to clean up the mess in our bodies (i.e., remove the toxins) caused, in part, by junk food. They may need extra targeted nutrients in the form of food-based supplements or extra energy through dietary changes to aid in the cleanup. Adding fiber to the diet also helps to clean up and sweep out the mucous and "sludge" that often lines the walls of the digestive tract. This allows the villi (tiny convolutions of the lining) to absorb nutrients better.

Building Blocks of Total Health


You will need to take an active role in your healing. Learning about the building blocks of total health will help you focus your energy on the critical issues. Nutrition is of paramount importance and needs to be addressed first, while learning about the other significant factors. You may need to provide supplementary support if your digestion or assimilation is compromised. Getting enough rest and sleep is crucial while you’re healing because your body is eliminating harmful toxic substances, repairing and. rebuilding, growing and healing while you sleep. If you don’t get proper rest, you undermine your body’s best efforts to restore your health. You may not feel like exercising, but strange as it sounds, exercise is what will build your energy level. It’s not just for toning and strengthening your muscles. Exercise actually causes the generation of many chemical receptors that are needed to help in your healing. For instance, your body will be better able to transport oxygen and absorb nutrients. A joyful attitude of hope and faith will help immensely with your transformation. Clean, pure air and personal hygiene help eliminate toxic input, and the sunshine helps your body make Vitamin D. Your good health rests on this foundation.

Resolving Problems and Enabling Change

If you would like to use nutrition as a preventive form of health care and want to go beyond treating symptoms. . .we can help you learn how much health and vitality your body is capable of expressing.

Measure your nutrient level and body chemistry
Specific nutritional supplementation
Training in how nutrient deficiencies,toxic chemicals and metals affect your health

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." -- Psalms 139:23-24
Highest rated, and most bioavailable products. To your good health!